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Modifications of histones and DNA are essential  for regulating genome stability and function, with particularly critical roles throughout development and human diseases. These epigenetic modifications can be stable, mediating gene expression and heritable phenotypes. On the other hand, they are also dynamic, frequently modified in response to cellular and environmental cues. Our lab is interested in elucidating the various mechanisms underlying the regulation of epigenetic modifications including histone methylation, DNA methylation, and various noncoding RNAs. By using both basic and translational research approaches, our lab aims to answer fundamental questions within the epigenetic field including:

  • How are epigenome regulating enzymes intrinsically connected to metabolic states or environmental cues?
  • By what means are the methylation dynamics of histones and DNA governed?
  • How does the regulation of the epigenome plays a role in biological and pathological processes?
  • Are there disease-specific epigenetic biomarkers, and how can we apply this knowledge towards the design of novel diagnostic and prognostic tools?
  • How can epigenetic pathways and players be targeted for therapeutic purposes?
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